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  • 26,90 Eur
  • 25,56 Eur

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  • Páginas: 79
  • Formato: 26x0,4x22,00 cm
  • Edición: 2013
  • Idioma: Castellano.
  • Encuadernación: Libro.
  • Peso: 0,27216 kg.
  • Business Essentials B1. Student's Book with DVD

  • 9780194739788
  • Autor: Varios Autores

  • Business Essentials teaches core business communication skills in a clear, compact and engaging format. Six modules cover six key areas of business communication: telephone & email, guests & visitors, presenting, tables & graphs, business writing, and job applications. The one-page, one-lesson format is straightforward to teach and ensures that every page has a clear objective to follow. The Business Essentials DVD is packaged with the book, and features video clips of business communication scenarios. Video and audio are both fully integrated into the course, providing opportunities for speaking and listening practice, and teaching functional language in a real-world context. The Business Essentials Student's Book also includes a BEC practice test to help students become familiar with the format of the exam.
  • 26,90 Eur
  • 25,56 Eur

  • * Gastos de envío no incluidos.

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